My Style Evolution: From Pre-College to Now

My Style Evolution: From Pre-College to Now

Welcome back, y’all! Today’s blog post is a rather interesting one. While on Pinterest one day (which you should totally follow me on, btw), I came across the blog prompt titled “style evolution”. Basically, you’d discuss how your fashion sense and style has grown over the years.

First of all, can I just say what an EYE OPENING style look back this was, LOL. I came across pictures of me in things I would NEVER wear these days.

But before I get too ahead of myself, let’s get started!

Alright, so I’ll only be going back about six years. I would go all the way back to high school and middle school, but I didn’t really take a lot of photos back then, so from 2015 on is free game.

Maybe that’s too short, or too long, but there’s such a change from pre-freshman year me to now that it’s more than enough material to write about.

Here we go!

Freshman year

So freshman year me was…interesting. I was a pretty causal person and sneakers and shorts were my go-tos. I liked to show off my legs more than my chest or arms, for some reason!

I also very rarely wore heels, which if you know me IRL or look at my Instagram, you’d be surprised to hear since that’s all I wear!

Sophomore year

Now, moving on to sophomore year, I was still holding on to those shorts, but I slowly started revealing more of my chest. I was a big kimono/light cardigan girl during this year as well.

I also really liked flowery patterns, which I wouldn’t be caught dead in nowadays.

Another thing I really liked wearing was funky sweaters (cropped or normal) as well as knee-high boots. As the years went on, I shied away from knee-high boots, because I think they make me look smaller than I am LOL. So, I opt for thigh-high boots now, if I even wear a full-length boot.

Junior year

Junior year was a combination of both freshman and sophomore year, for some reason. I still had shorts and kimonos in a death grip, but began to show off my shoulders more.

I also started wearing loads of wide-leg pants! I was collecting those things like Infinity Stones, LOL.

Junior year was also a special year because that’s when I first started my blog! So, I began to incorporate more business casual wear in my wardrobe. My main staples were funky pants and bold blazers.

I actually wrote about one of these said blazers! I don’t have it anymore, but I do miss it.

Non-fashion wise, this was my choker year. Full stop. I was not leaving the house without earrings and my variety of chokers.

Senior year

Finally, senior year is the year I think I really came into my own as far as style goes. There’s not much that I wore senior year that I currently do not wear.

The first half of the year was junior year leftovers. I still wore chokers and even brought back shorts from the sophomore year graveyard.

But, the second half of senior year was exceptionally excellent. I started collecting a myriad of fur coats and bold earrings. I also started investing in nice ankle boots, some of which I still have to this day.


Post-college has been accented by COVID-19 and quarantine, but I still managed to change even during this time period. For reference, I’m talking about the summer of 2019 until mid-2020.

For starters, I started showing off my stomach…like a lot more LOL. I never really covered it because I was insecure or anything, but I just didn’t start gravitating towards tops like that until recently.

I also started incorporating more neutrals into my wardrobe and continued to add nice coats and jackets to my wardrobe.

The present

I’m still adapting and adding more pieces to my closet! Hard to say what I’ll be into by year’s end, but I’m starting to wear more and more neutrals, with the occasional pops of color. I’m really loving the color pink right now!

I’m also trying to stock up on more casual wear. I admittedly don’t have a lot of those items because I’m never “casual”. I’m always doing something, LOL. But I want to continue getting biker shorts of all different colors (which are perfect to dress up or down, btw) as well as funky sweatpants that are not only cute, but comfy too!

I’d love to get back into thigh/knee-high boots as well!


That’s all for my trip down memory lane. What about you guys?

What’s your favorite style trend right now? What did you love to wear back in the day? Let me know in the comments below!


Until next time,

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